The Spacepod Forum

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

TFTS-315 The Spacepod Board Game!

We spitball some ideas for the forthcoming Tales From The Spacepod board game! Roll the dice, avoid the Moth Man Bridge and Mel's Hole while getting a boost forward with Florida Daily Doubles and Springheeled Jacks! PLUS: Massage Parlor doins with Jen, Flat Earth Rocket Man, Turkeys in Space and a News Quiz first!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

TFTS-314 Shootin' the Sh*t!

We had no time to prep a show and we didn't wanna miss another week so we just belly up to the mics and see where it goes. Turns out it goes to "Take and Knee", Nuclear Testing Wackiness, the Trip To Mars, Charles Manson and Sky Wieners!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


CLASSIC SHOW: JFK! With all the recent hoopla involving the JFK files we thought it would be a good time for this classic episode from 2013. We sound so young. So very, very young. Magic bullets, mystery photographers, Keystone cops, shadow government, the mafia and commies! Then we give away some swell prizes to one lucky listener in a Kennedy-themed round of News That Might Get You Sh*t!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

TFTS-313 Holly & Ron on The Swing 2!

Holly and Ron chat about the silliness of road rage, pet names, and other randomness out on the yard swing.